Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quality & Quantity

In the desire for Quantity lurks the demise of Quality;
The More has always been more lucrative than the Better
And the Easy more lucrative than the Hard.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Trust & Deception

The longer one lives, the less one trusts
Deception, which pervades all human societies
Grows more elaborate as societies grow more complex.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mass Enlightenment & Dogma

Mass enlightenment is impossible unless it is started in childhood
Before the seeds of handed-down dogmas have a chance to sprout.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Growing UP & Down

Age is pernicious;
It’s the growing down
After growing up.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Urges & Sainthood

If it weren’t for my urges
I could have been a saint.

Natural & Noble

Nature always wins and human nature always prevails
It’s just a matter of time before the natural overcomes the noble.

Making a Living & Living

We are more creative at making a living than at living
More eager to make more money
Than to live more meaningful lives.

Greatness & Language

All great things are rendered great with language
Without the right words greatness passes unnoticed.

Self Entertainment & Entertainers

Those who have not learned how to entertain themselves
Risk being entertained by their entertainers.

Noise & Enlightenment

Noise is inversely proportional to enlightenment
The noisier we are, the closer we get to our animalism.

Tolerence & Growing UP

I can tolerate most people
If I can imagine them as children
And divine how they must have grown up.

Death & Birth

Death begins at birth
And dies at death.

Youth & Age

In spite of universal evidence
Youth never believes it can age.

Beauty & Innocence

A woman loses her innocent charms
When she realizes how beautiful she is.

Natural Transition & Theisms

It seems that the natural transition of humanity
From polytheism to monotheism will not stop;
I fear what’s next in line is atheism.

Human Pleasures & Age

The human pleasures are physical, emotional, and intellectual
The physical decays quickly and the emotional, slowly;
Only the intellectual grows better and better with age.

Ego Defenses & Truths

We continue to love and defend ourselves
Even when the entire world hates and assaults us;
Our ego defenses are impenetrable to unfavorable truths.

Cruelty & Nature

Nature is not cruel
It’s our expectations that are not natural.

Dying & Living

Dying is easy; everyone does it
Living is hard; only a few do it well.

Thinking & Believing

Thinking is painful
Believing is the easy way out of thinking.

Culture & Myth

All cultures are based on myth
The identity of a culture is its beliefs
And its beliefs are its myths.

Popularity & Quality

Social decay starts when popularity starts to define quality
High quality is seldom popular but high quantity, seldom is not.

Believers & Thinkers

Believers stop thinking when they believe
And thinkers stop believing when they think
Shedding a belief brings gain and loss
You gain your freedom of thought
But you lose your friends and your faith.