Friday, April 30, 2010

Wisdom & Recognition

Wisdom begins with recognition
With the recognition of the irrational
First in ourselves and then in everyone else.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Choices & Consequences

Whenever we refuse to choose
We are neither alive nor dead
But, like a Sunday afternoon,
Somewhere in between.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Herd Mentality & Critical Thinking

Human herds
Can be led anywhere
As long as critical thinking
Remains suppressed or underdeveloped.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Money & Love

Ask a dying man
What would he
Rather have
Money or Love;
Then ask an old man
And then a young man
The very same question;
With age we always transition
From materialism to spiritualism.

Monday, April 26, 2010

History & Memory

In the infinite shelves of the brain
Resides the human library
We call the mind.
Culture, nature, nurture, coincidence
Where we grew up and how we grew up
What times we grew up in and our experiences-
(Religious, political, national, historical, mythological, personal
Our individual pre-wireings, and life's continuous programmings)
They all stack books in our brain shelves that can never be removed
Books that become our human library, our collective memory, and our identity.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Imagination & Reality

Imagination was born out of awareness
Out of our awareness of reality
For living entirely in reality
Is incompatible with joy.
We all live two lives,
The thorny life of reality
Where jagged facts bleed us
And the secret life of imagination
Where dwell our spiritual implements of joy
Our hopes, dreams, myths, delusions, and faiths.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Medicine & Quality

In America
The calling that was medicine
Is dying...
Technology and human nature
Have poisoned it...
We test before we think
We think to justify procedures
We take care of diseases
But neglect the humans who have them...
In America
Medicine has become a high-tech industry
With poor-human qualities and harsh insurance dictatorships
Expensive, aggressive, inefficient, unavailable
Unaffordable, fragmented, and dangerous.

Denial & Planet Earth

If we were not in total denial
We would be working together
In order to save this living planet
From imminent demise.

Life & Batteries

Life is a charged battery
If it does not die of damage
It will slowly run out of charge.

Entertainment & Passivity

Unless we learn to entertain ourselves
By actively pursuing what we passionately love
Most of the entertainments we partake of
Will render us intellectually passive.

Tiring & Retiring

Besides food, sleep, and passions
Whatever else we do, day after day
Becomes ultimately tiring
And invites retiring.

Literature & LIfe

Blessed are the writers and readers
For they shall live many lives.

Time & Abdundance

To those who do not waste it
Time comes abundantly.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life & Universe

This experiment called life
Upon this planet called earth
One day will convince the universe
That life is self-destructive.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Entitlement & Disillusionment

Entitlement is a sad disease
It causes the entitled to think
That you deserve more...
That they owe it to us...
That I deserve better...
It is best to believe
That one deserves nothing
So that when good things come
One is pleasantly surprised
But when bad things hit
One does not suffer
The pangs of disillusionment.

Wright & Wrong

In human conflict
All sides believe
That they are right.
We only find out
Who was wrong
From the winner.

Prophets & Earth

All the prophets
Have died in vain;
Look what a shameful
Earth we live in.

Advertising & Stealth

Advertising is
A misrepresentation by stealth
It bypasses the conscience of its mongers
And the intellects of its receivers.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Time & Money

The savers are three:
Those who pay money to save time
Those who pay time to save money
And those who save both time and money.
The squanderers are three:
Those who squander money
Those who squander time
And those who squander both money and time.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Identities & Self

We all possess numerous and diverse identities:
Some identities are defined by how others see us
Some others are defined by all the life roles we play
Some, by our personal dreams and aspirations
Some, by our beliefs, biases, and myths
Some, by how and where we grow up
Some, by our appearances and ages
Some, by our possessions or wealth
Some, by our intellectual or artistic outputs
But only one identity is defined by our memories of youth
By the images we cling to so that we can always
View ourselves as young in spite of our age.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Orbits & Freedom

We all think in orbits
Highs, lows, and in-betweens
One orbit at a time.
We all exit our orbits
Up or down, but only awhile
And then go back to our bases.
High orbiters are free
They think outside beliefs
And they are chastised by society.
Low orbiters are shackled
They think from within beliefs
And they are the mentors of society.
The in-between orbiters
Are the common chameleons
Who choose the colors of their orbits
To match the colors of their situations.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life & Stars

Our miniscule, un-cosmic lives
And heightened awareness
Render us impatient
And deny us peace.
With our myopic minds
We hoard, headless of time
We quarrel, headless of reason
And then we die, always surprised.
If we could live like stars
We would not petty
Our burning lives
With ephemera.

Life & Stars

Our miniscule, un-cosmic lives
And heightened awareness
Render us impatient
And deny us peace.
With our myopic minds
We hoard, headless of time
We quarrel, headless of reason
And then we die, always surprised.
If we could live like stars
We would not petty
Our burning lives
With ephemera.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Generosity & Poverty

No one has ever been
Impoverished by generosity;
The more one gives
The more one receives
And the wealthier one feels.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nations & Aging

Nations possess human anatomy
But instead of bodily organs
They have institutions
And instead of brains
They have governments.

Aging affects nations
Like it affects humans
Their organs begin to fail
Their brains become feeble
They become fat and disabled
Then they succumb to dementia.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Oppression & Injustice

There is no just oppression or oppressor
The mere need for oppression
Is certain proof of injustice.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Writers & Audiences

A writer writes from within
Writes about the truths within his soul;
But, when instead, he writes for audiences
He taints his truths in order to please.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Best & The Best

To be the best is ephemeral
Some one always out-bests the best
But to be the best one can be
Could never be bested.

Beauty & Marriage

Nothing can destroy
A beautiful human being
Like a bad marriage.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Readiness & Adversity

If we plan for adversity
If we prepare for injustice
If we get ready for being hurt
Life would not catch us by surprise.